Bootstrapping the project

I have decided to work of Realtime analysis of YouTube Comments as my hackathon. I believe that being able to understand how people actually feel after watching my video. As a content creator myself I aspire to give my videos a story telling approach to it and my only aim is to move people emotionally, to instill emotional response in my viewers.

Creators need to know, how viewers feel after watching their video.That's the most important probably the only metric YouTubers should care about.


To set up the project there are few guidelines I followed -

  • Use typescript end-to-end

  • Make code serverless using nextJS saves hassle of

  • Use T3 Stack (Next.JS, tRPC, Typescript, Tailwind, Prisma)

  • Add dependabot for package updates


  • Add user login and signup

  • Add YouTube authentication and linking YouTube channels

  • Fetch user YouTube videos